Investigación UCN

Fulbright Chair Program at Kellogg Institute for International Studies

The Fulbright Chair in Democracy and Human Development at the Kellogg Institute for International Studies recognizes faculty members and researchers who have an established record of teaching and exhibit the potential to make significant contributions to research on themes of democracy and human development, in particular, contemporary issues in Chile.


Based on one of the following themes related to Democracy and Human Development, applications must include a Plan of Activities on critical global challenges.

This fellowship will give one award to a Chilean scholar to spend one academic semester affiliated with the Kellogg Institute for International Studies at Notre Dame’s Keough School of Global Affairs. The Fulbright-Kellogg Chair will principally engage in research, which, through this cooperation, should be appropriate for eventual policy application. Recipients are expected to give at least one presentation of their research and to participate in most Kellogg events including weekly lectures and seminars. The grant will be awarded for the Fall Term 2025 (August to December) or the Spring Term 2026 (January to May), following the University of Notre Dame academic calendar.


The Program will award funding for one visiting scholar for four months, as follows:

  • US$ 24,000 (twenty-four thousand U.S. dollars) for maintenance and international round-trip air ticket;
  • Housing on or near the UND campus is generally provided for international visiting fellows at the Institution;
  • Limited health coverage through ASPE (Accident and Sickness Program for Exchanges); and
  • Access to the facilities and services of UND, such as office space, laboratories, libraries, and any other amenities regularly provided to the academic community to ensure the success of research activities.


  • October 30, 2024: deadline for online applications submission.
  • January 2025: announcement of the selected candidates; and
  • Fall Term 2025 (August to December) or Spring Term 2026 (January to May): start of activities at the Kellogg Institute.

Calendario interno de la UCN

-05/08/2024: Apertura del concurso.

-07/08/2024: Difusión del concurso desde la VRIDT.

-27/09/2024: Fecha límite para informar a la Dirección de Investigación, sobre la participación en el concurso, completando el Formulario de Iniciativa de Proyectos (FIP) a través del sistema SIVRIDT.

Video Tutorial: ingresar aquí

-07/10/2024: Fecha límite para enviar el Formulario de Autorización de Proyectos (FAP) a través del sistema SIVRIDT.

Video Tutorial: ingresar aquí

-17/10/2024: Fecha límite para enviar los documentos de avances del proyecto a través del sistema SIVRIDT (Carta de recomendación que debe firmar el Director/la Directora de la Unidad, otro).

Vídeo Tutorial: ingresar aquí

-22/10/2024: Plazo máximo de la VRIDT, para solicitar mejoras o ajustes a los proyectos.

-30/10/2024:  Plazo máximo para enviar su postulación a través de la plataforma del concurso.

-30/11/2024: Plazo máximo para respaldar (subir) los documentos postulados del concurso en el sistema SIVRIDT.

Video Tutorial: ingresar aquí

Link Concurso:

Correos de contacto:


Ago 05 2024 - Oct 30 2024