Investigación UCN

Fulbright Chair Program at University of California, Davis

The Fulbright UC Davis Chair Program recognizes faculty members who are accomplished teachers and researchers and whose work demonstrates the potential to make significant contributions to contemporary societies around the globe. The University of California, Davis, enables global and societal impacts through innovation, creativity, and discoveries. In support of these missions, the Fulbright Commission and the University of California, Davis offer the following call for applications. The Program will give one award to a Chilean scholar to spend one academic term shari4-ng knowledge and performing research at UC Davis. The grant will be awarded for a stay equivalent to one academic term in accordance with the calendar of UC Davis academic quarters (Fall 2025: end of September – December; Winter 2026: January – March; or Spring 2026: April – June).

The Program is intended to strengthen collaborations in both research and pedagogy between Chilean institutions and UC Davis. Candidates for the Fulbright UC Davis Chair Program (open to any discipline) will submit a detailed proposal that explains how they will advance their research and publicly disseminate knowledge, highlighting specifically why a period of time spent at UC Davis will be beneficial. All proposals should also include the titles and brief outlines of one/two public lectures that the candidate will deliver while in residence at UC Davis.


The candidate must demonstrate outstanding academic qualifications and a professional trajectory of at least ten years characterized by robust intellectual production. English language proficiency compatible with the proposed activities is a requirement. The candidate must hold a Chilean passport and must have earned the doctoral degree before December 31, 2017. Dual Chilean/U.S. citizens are not eligible.


The Program will award funding for one visiting scholar for a three or four-month period, as follows:

  • US$ 32,400 (thirty-two thousand four hundred U.S. dollars), for maintenance and an international round-trip air ticket;
  • Limited health coverage through ASPE (Accident and Sickness Program for Exchanges);
  • Visa J-1 and J-2 fees; and
  • Access to the facilities and services of the University of California, Davis, such as office space, internet connection, laboratories, libraries, and any other courtesies and amenities regularly provided to the academic community to ensure the success of the proposed activities.


  • October 30, 2024: deadline for online applications submission;
  • January 2025: results of the selection process;
  • Fall term 2025, Winter term 2026 or spring term 2026: activities at UC Davis.

Calendario interno de la UCN

-05/08/2024: Apertura del concurso.

-07/08/2024: Difusión del concurso desde la VRIDT.

-27/09/2024: Fecha límite para informar a la Dirección de Investigación, sobre la participación en el concurso, completando el Formulario de Iniciativa de Proyectos (FIP) a través del sistema SIVRIDT.

Video Tutorial: ingresar aquí

-07/10/2024: Fecha límite para enviar el Formulario de Autorización de Proyectos (FAP) a través del sistema SIVRIDT.

Video Tutorial: ingresar aquí

-17/10/2024: Fecha límite para enviar los documentos de avances del proyecto a través del sistema SIVRIDT (Carta de recomendación que debe firmar el Director/la Directora de la Unidad, otro).

Vídeo Tutorial: ingresar aquí

-22/10/2024: Plazo máximo de la VRIDT, para solicitar mejoras o ajustes a los proyectos.

-30/10/2024:  Plazo máximo para enviar su postulación a través de la plataforma del concurso.

-30/11/2024: Plazo máximo para respaldar (subir) los documentos postulados del concurso en el sistema SIVRIDT.

Video Tutorial: ingresar aquí

Link Concurso:

Correos de contacto:


Ago 05 2024 - Oct 30 2024