Germany – DAAD Postdoctoral Researchers International Mobility Experience (PRIME)
The PRIME programme enables postdocs of all nationalities who see their long-term career in Germany to combine employment at a German university with a research stay outside Germany. At the same time, they can prepare their subsequent integration in a German institution through regular exchange.
Who is eligible
Postdocs with:
- outstanding qualifications
- a convincing research project that is consistent with the researcher’s long-term career planning
- a detailed and independently prepared research proposal coordinated with the German and foreign host.
There are no restrictions regarding nationality and current residency.
What is offered
- Work contract; funded researchers receive a work contract at a German university covering the entire funding period.
- Remuneration is based on the collective agreement for public sector employees (TV-L E 13).
- Salaries may range from roughly 4,000 to 5,000 euros per month gross, plus approx. 1,200 to 2,000 euros per month expatriate allowance during the 12 months of the research stay outside Germany. Travel allowances are also paid.
18 months, of which the first 12 months are spent outside Germany and the following 6 months (integration phase) are spent at a German university.
Deadline: 30 August 2024.
Calendario interno UCN
-25/07/2024: Difusión del concurso desde la VRIDT.
-05/08/2024: Fecha límite para informar a la Dirección de Investigación, sobre la participación en el concurso, completando el Formulario de Iniciativa de Proyectos (FIP) a través del sistema SIVRIDT.
Video Tutorial: ingresar aquí
-12/08/2024: Fecha límite para enviar el Formulario de Autorización de Proyectos (FAP) a través del sistema SIVRIDT.
Video Tutorial: ingresar aquí
-22/08/2024: Fecha límite para enviar los documentos de avances del proyecto a través del sistema SIVRIDT (Carta de recomendación que debe firmar el Director/la Directora de la Unidad, otro).
Vídeo Tutorial: ingresar aquí
-27/08/2024: Plazo máximo de la VRIDT, para solicitar mejoras o ajustes a los proyectos.
-30/08/2024 a las 17:00 Brussels time: Plazo máximo para postular a través de la Plataforma de la convocatoria.
-30/09/2024: Plazo máximo para respaldar (subir) los documentos postulados del concurso en el sistema SIVRIDT.
Video Tutorial: ingresar aquí
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