Visiting researcher grants 2024
Fortes call for visiting researcher grants aims to contribute to development and learning and promote knowledge exchange from the international research community to Swedish research within Forte’s areas of focus. In total, around SEK 5 million is reserved for this call.
This call shall promote the exchange of knowledge from the international research community to Swedish research environments, thereby strengthening the quality and societal relevance of research. The call will also contribute to promoting contacts, learning and exchange of experience between researchers in Sweden and researchers abroad who are active within the areas health, working life and welfare.
Focus area of the call:
The call is open to applications within Forte’s main fields: health, working life and welfare. Read more about Fortes areas »
About the grants:
Within this call, it is possible to apply for grants for both incoming and outgoing visiting researchers. The stay should be a minimum of one month and can be maximum of six months, but the project period can be up to one year. The maximum funding amount that can be applied for is SEK 500 000.
Primarily, the grant aims to support shorter stays for research collaboration, exchange of experience, and learning. It needs to be evident in the application how the grant will strengthen the research or research environment in question.
Apply electronically via Prisma. You will find the call for proposals under the tab Applications and grants.
Calendario interno UCN
-12/06/2024 Apertura del concurso.
-12/06/2024: Difusión del concurso desde la VRIDT.
-02/08/2024: Fecha límite para informar a la Dirección de Investigación, sobre la participación en el concurso, completando el Formulario de Iniciativa de Proyectos (FIP) a través del sistema SIVRIDT.
Video Tutorial: ingresar aquí
-12/08/2024: Fecha límite para enviar el Formulario de Autorización de Proyectos (FAP) a través del sistema SIVRIDT.
Video Tutorial: ingresar aquí
-20/08/2024: Fecha límite para enviar los documentos de avances del proyecto a través del sistema SIVRIDT.
Vídeo Tutorial: ingresar aquí
-24/08/2024: Plazo máximo de la VRIDT, para solicitar mejoras o ajustes a los proyectos.
-28/08/2024: Plazo máximo de postulación a través de la plataforma de postulación.
-14/09/2024: Plazo máximo para respaldar (subir) los documentos postulados del concurso en el sistema SIVRIDT.
Video Tutorial: ingresar aquí
Link Concurso:
-Dag Hervieu, Head of Unit, +46 (0)8-775 40 72, Gabrielsson, Research Officer, System Manager Prisma, +46 (0)8-775 40 84,